원격 프로그램이란 무엇인가요?
원격 프로그램은 인터넷을 통해 한 컴퓨터에서 다른 컴퓨터를 제어하거나, 파일을 공유하고, 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 도와주는 소프트웨어입니다. 특히 팬데믹 이후 원격 근무와 온라인 협업이 증가하면서 이 프로그램들은 필수적인 도구로 자리 잡았습니다. 하지만 수많은 원격 프로그램 중 어떤 것을 선택해야 할지 고민될 때가 많습니다.
이 글에서는 가장 널리 사용되는 세 가지 원격 프로그램, **애니데스크(AnyDesk)**, **팀뷰어(TeamViewer)**, **크롬 원격 데스크톱(Chrome Remote Desktop)**을 심층적으로 비교하여 각각의 장단점과 특성을 분석합니다.
기능 | 애니데스크 | 팀뷰어 | 크롬 원격 데스크톱 |
플랫폼 호환성 | Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS | Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS | Windows, macOS, Linux, Android |
무료 버전 기능 | 개인 사용에 적합 | 제한적 | 모든 기능 무료 |
보안 | TLS 1.2 암호화 | 256비트 AES 암호화 | Google 계정 인증 기반 |
애니데스크(AnyDesk): 가볍고 빠른 원격 제어 솔루션
애니데스크는 초경량 원격 제어 프로그램으로, 빠른 연결 속도와 쉬운 사용법을 제공합니다. 특히 데이터 전송 속도가 빠르고, 네트워크 대역폭이 낮은 환경에서도 안정적으로 작동하는 것이 특징입니다.
주요 기능
- 빠른 연결 속도와 낮은 지연 시간
- TLS 1.2 암호화를 통한 보안
- 멀티플랫폼 지원
- 이동 중에도 모바일 장치에서 원격 제어 가능
장점과 단점
장점 | 단점 |
가볍고 설치가 간단함 | 기업용 기능은 유료 |
네트워크 대역폭이 낮아도 안정적으로 작동 | 무료 버전에서는 일부 기능 제한 |
팀뷰어(TeamViewer): 강력한 기능과 넓은 활용 범위
팀뷰어는 오랜 시간 동안 원격 제어 프로그램의 대명사로 자리 잡은 소프트웨어입니다. 원격 지원, 파일 전송, 협업 등 다양한 용도로 활용할 수 있으며, 기업 사용자에게 적합한 고급 기능을 제공합니다.
주요 기능
- 256비트 AES 암호화로 높은 보안 수준 제공
- 원격 지원과 협업 도구 통합
- 플랫폼 간 원활한 연결
- 다양한 IT 관리 기능
장점과 단점
장점 | 단점 |
광범위한 기능 제공 | 무료 버전의 상업적 사용 제한 |
기업 사용자에게 최적화된 고급 도구 | 초보자에게 다소 복잡할 수 있음 |
크롬 원격 데스크톱(Chrome Remote Desktop): 간단하고 무료
크롬 원격 데스크톱은 Google이 제공하는 원격 제어 서비스로, 크롬 브라우저를 기반으로 작동합니다. 설치와 사용이 매우 간단하며, 모든 기능이 무료로 제공된다는 점이 큰 장점입니다.
주요 기능
- Google 계정으로 손쉽게 연결 가능
- 모든 플랫폼에서 작동
- 간단한 설치와 직관적인 인터페이스
- 데이터 암호화 및 안전한 인증
장점과 단점
장점 | 단점 |
완전 무료 | 고급 기능 부족 |
간단하고 직관적인 사용법 | 인터넷 연결이 필수 |
애니데스크 vs 팀뷰어 vs 크롬 원격 데스크톱: 어떤 선택이 적합할까?
이 세 가지 원격 프로그램 중에서 어떤 것을 선택해야 할지는 사용 목적과 요구 사항에 따라 달라집니다.
- 빠르고 가벼운 프로그램이 필요하다면 애니데스크
- 기업용 고급 기능이 필요하다면 팀뷰어
- 간단한 무료 원격 제어가 필요하다면 크롬 원격 데스크톱
자주 묻는 질문 (FAQ)
애니데스크는 무료로 사용할 수 있나요?
애니데스크는 개인 사용자를 대상으로 무료로 제공되지만, 기업용 기능은 유료입니다.
팀뷰어의 보안은 어떤 수준인가요?
팀뷰어는 256비트 AES 암호화를 사용하여 높은 보안 수준을 제공합니다.
크롬 원격 데스크톱은 인터넷 없이 사용할 수 있나요?
크롬 원격 데스크톱은 인터넷 연결이 필수입니다. 오프라인 상태에서는 작동하지 않습니다.
어떤 프로그램이 가장 사용하기 쉬운가요?
간단한 설치와 사용을 중시한다면 크롬 원격 데스크톱이 가장 쉬운 선택입니다.
기업 사용자에게 가장 적합한 원격 프로그램은 무엇인가요?
기업 사용자는 고급 관리 기능과 보안을 제공하는 팀뷰어를 추천합니다.
추가 스크립트
Pingutil uwclub Stealth 2 Utility ping g430 iron mx1 dko 115 bsw electric fryer Used electric fryer utility tsr2 utility cobra ltdx utility overwatch computer assembled pc Ultra-high spec computer Office prefabricated computer hytey70touch Used computer for gaming Ryzen 5800h Hansung Computer Valorant pc gaming mini pc used computer 4070computer intelnuc Assembled computer for gaming Desktop body microcomputer mini pc game water cooling pc CAD computer asrockdeskmini office assembly pc Sangsang PC Assembled PC Battleground Game Body 4070s gmkk8 um780xtx Diablo 4 computer 56003060ti Gaming computer set lol pc high end pc gmkm5 Prefabricated computer for gaming Minis Forum i39100f mini pc assembly 4070superquote Kumho World Computer Assembly quote Office computer quote gmktecgmkg3 pubg pc used assembled pc i7computer computer body price n5095 gaming computer 76004060ti i76700 Ikoda white desktop computer for pubg zepple pc design computer Radeon780m Intel i9 Taonas a300 rogali video editing pc portable pc Cost-effective PC Used gaming computer Diablo 4pc pc assembly memory friend assembled fish Computer business trip assembly computer special price Ryzen Computer assembled computer Highest spec computer fifa computer 5600h 7800x3d broadcasting computer Used com Sudden Computer 5600xused firebatak2 i59400f used blue computer Sudden Attack Computer n95 assembly site good computer Ayaneoam02 Used Ryzen 5600 CAD computer Cost-effective gaming computer computer assembly computer rental high-performance computer Mac Mini mini desktop Battle Ground Computer Aion Computer hiking stick Black Diamond Stick Reki hiking stick hiking stick foldable hiking stick k2 hiking stick carbon hiking stick Rekistick Humont hiking stick Kolon hiking stick North Face Hiking Stick stick Helinox Stick north face stick Lekki nepa hiking stick Black Yak Stick Black Yak Hiking Stick carbon stick Rekimakaru k2 stick Free brand hiking stick Black Diamond Hiking Stick Treksta Stick hiking stick Ultra-light hiking stick Hiking stick case Treksta hiking stick Earthing Stick Hiking stick bag Helinox hiking stick Costco hiking stick Tantan hiking stick leki stick nordic walking Hiking stick folding Bluedastic hiking stick black diamond flz Black Diamond Carbon Stick 4 stage hiking stick Tantan Stick kua23t08 Enterope Stick Nature Hike Stick folding stick Nature Hike Mountaineering Stick Oniji hiking stick Black Diamond Z Fall Mountaineering stick parts black diamond Kolon Stick Wonder Wide Hiking Stick Rackistic Reki Cressida hiking stick rubber Reki Black Series Active hiking stick Distance carbon flz pole mountaineering equipment Children's hiking stick hiking stick carbon Duralumin hiking stick Nepastic Buffalo hiking stick Eider hiking stick Mo Buddy hiking stick 5-stage hiking stick Lekki Eagle cane knife Hiking stick for hiking Nordic walking stick Humont Onigistic Duralumin hiking stick Lightweight hiking stick Wonder Stick Moncross hiking stick Antelope Stick mountain climbing stick Reki hiking stick Millet hiking stick Wonder Wide hiking pole Kovea hiking stick trekking poles Hiking Stick Basket free brand Trail running stick Bone Tracker leki hiking stick Hiking stick tip Cascade hiking stick enter rope zpole nordic stick Go slow hiking stick zpole stick 3-stage foldable hiking stick Lekki hiking stick Burment hiking stick Titanium hiking stick Mountain Smith Cost-effective hiking stick cascade hiking stick Stick pouch Daiso cane heel cover Lekki Korea Duralumin mountaineering welding vinegar lightweight Daiso hiking stick duralumin Crampons humont duralumin Duralumin mountain climbing welding transplant mountaineering equipment number of elements wiper engine oil washer fluid Bulls one shot airconditioner filter fuel additive Kickspao 5w30 car wiper Kickspao 10w30 Mission Oil Gum Out car air conditioner filter Eurox urea water Bullsone Wiper antifreeze 5w30 Seven Gold 5w30 10 liters of urea engine oil additive Ziktop 5w30 brake oil 5w30 engine oil dpf cleaner diesel engine oil silicone wiper 0w20 Eurox Engine coating agent Yurox urea water 10 liters Via Bulls One Shot kicks g15w30 Zeke x75w30 Bulls One Shot Platinum Kickspao 1 Diesel fuel additive kickspao0w30 Bulls One Shot Signature bosch wiper Kamim kicks pao 0w30 octane booster 0w20 engine oil Bulls One Shot 70000 kerosene tank Shell Helix Ultra 5w30 wiper refill rubber Kixbio 10w20 Kamim Fuel Additive Gum Out Gasoline Stanada Diesel hybrid wiper engine additives Kix engine oil Shell Helix Ultra 0w30 5w40 cooling water synthetic engine oil Kickspao 10w40 S-Oil Seven Gold 5w30 kixxpao10w30 Bulls One Shot Hybrid Sorento hybrid engine oil Gumout Diesel Bullsone Engine Coating Agent Zeke engine oil gasoline engine oil kixxpao5w30 Bosch Aero Twin Rexton Sports Wiper Urea water additive Ethanol washer fluid Zeke x95w30 ZekeZero0w30 spark wiper 5w20 engine oil 0w30 engine oil Bullsone Metal Silicone Wiper Seven Gold Hybrid engine oil Now Jet Korea Wiper Engine oil 5w30 S-Oil Seven Gold lpg engine oil Mann filter Bullsone car accessories Bulls One Shot Gold Liqui Moly Kix 5w30 Nosfill 10 liters Bullsone air conditioner filter gv80 wiper vehicle wiper Kicks Hybrid 0w20 0w40 engine oil Zeke Top Grandeur ig wiper brake fluid Kixbio 0w20 Xtier Alpha 10w40 engine oil Hyundai Mobis Element Number Benz wiper Stanadyne kicks g1 Bullsone washer fluid Super Premium Plus Porter 2 Wiper C-Flo Jerry Can Bulls One Shot Standard Avante MD engine oil metallocene qm3 wiper Kimblade Wiper Castrol Magnetic 5w30 oil filter Sonax washer fluid Palisade air conditioner filter Lista engine oil 5w20 engine oil Diesel Clean Vehicle air conditioner filter Water repellent wiper Zeke x95w40 Sure Can Zeke x7 Bullsone Signature gasoline fuel additive Window wiper Engine flushing Bulls One Shot Premium qm6 wiper Water repellent coating washer fluid Spark engine oil brake oil dot4 Water repellent coating wiper Diesel engine oil additive Zekex9ls5w30 Avante MD wiper All New Sorento Fuel Filter kixxpao1 Castrol 5w30 Raywiper S-Oil engine oil kixxg15w30 Motul 300v Engine oil suction device dot4 brake oil Bulls One Shot Gasoline Engine oil 0w20 Grandeur hg wiper k5 wiper Avante ad engine oil jerry can Engine oil 4l Total Quartz0w20 santa fetm wiper Bullsone Lane OK Wiper 20 liter kerosene tank Zeke x9 bmw wiper Zeke engine oil automatic transmission oil Grandeur IG air conditioner filter All New Malibu Wipers Mobil One 5w30 Ray Engine Oil Set Premix antifreeze Bulls Power Engine Coating Agent Preston antifreeze Benz engine oil Now Korea tiguan wiper Castrol Mission Oil Engine oil leak prevention agent Kix Bio Palisade wiper car filter All New Sorento Wiper zicx7 engine oil Santa Fe DM engine oil All new morning wiper Carex Wiper Rimura r6 Avante ad wiper dot4 Tivoli wiper Santa Fe TM air conditioner filter All new carnival wiper MaxSaber zikatf6 k5 air conditioner filter qm6 engine oil Synthetic engine oil All New Carnival Engine Oil Set 5w304l 5w40 engine oil Grandeur hg engine oil Hyundai engine oil Engine oil additive 75g Niro engine oil wiper rubber Nosfill 20 liters 97133l1100 diesel additive Kamim dpf Bulls Power Signature All New Sorento Engine Oil Bulls One Shot Diesel Hyundai Xteer bmw engine oil Valvoline engine oil Audi engine oil Vehicle air conditioner filter window brush Arms Oil Kamim111 Sorento air conditioner filter Morning engine oil Zeke x90w20 Total Quartz 9000 4 liters of engine oil engine oil filter Zeke x70w30 k3 wiper gear oil bulls one shot lpg camping oil can Coolant additive Bongo 3 Wiper All New Carnival Engine Oil Engine oil change Carnival air conditioner filter Denso Wiper power oil car washer fluid lista s1 Zeke 5w30 Track crossover wiper Bulls One Shot Engine Coating Agent k5dl3 engine oil Avante cn7 air conditioner filter Castrol engine oil Zeke0w30 Palisade engine oil set Metal silicon wiper Mission oil additive Seltos Wiper Adrenaline octane booster carnival wiper qm6 air conditioner filter Differential oil bmw washer fluid fuel filter Sorento mq4 air conditioner filter All New Sorento Engine Oil Set Zekex7ls5w30 Kix0w30 Shell Helix Ultra castrol bmw coolant mq4 air conditioner filter Hyundai Xteer Alpha 5w306l Motul engine oil atfsp4 Gumout fuel additive sportage r wiper oil suction machine Mojave engine oil Nospil Bulls One Shot Pro Kimblade k5dl3 air conditioner filter Trail Blazer Wiper Benz 9-speed transmission oil Kix0w20 Total Quartz 5w30 Kixbio 5w30 Audi A6 engine oil Tiguan engine oil Preston washer fluid Bullsone Hybrid Wiper Shell engine oil Engine oil 6l Grand Starex Wiper Ray Engine Oil Kicks Hybrid 05100 00481 Ray air conditioner filter 75w90 kixxg1 Listametallocene Luft Filter Torres air conditioner filter Xtier Long life antifreeze Tucson Wiper kixx5w30 porter wiper Sorento Wiper 10 liter jerry can element com santa fe dm wiper injector cleaner Santa Fe TM engine oil Bullsone water repellent wiper Spark air conditioner filter urea price ferox Porter 2 engine oil Benz e class wiper Seltos engine oil set winsdpf Kixbio 15w30 Total Quartz Sportage nq5 air conditioner filter audi a6 wiper Jerry can 20 liters 12 washer fluid Zeke Zero Hyundai Mission Oil Aer air conditioner filter hydraulic oil Kona Wiper lpg fuel additive brake oil exchanger Sonax the View Kickspao 5w40 k3 engine oil Grandeur IG engine oil flushing oil ka4 air conditioner filter shopping flat wiper Max Saver Diesel i30 wiper Avante ad air conditioner filter Liquimoly engine oil Valvoline Mission Oil Morning engine oil set square blade wiper Casper engine oil zf 8 speed transmission oil Casper air conditioner filter All new morning engine oil set synthetic oil Engine oil 0w30 Engine oil set Lista Sportage hybrid engine oil bullsone Grandeur hg wiper All new Tucson wipers The New Grandeur Wiper Sportage nq5 engine oil engine oil synthetic oil k8 wiper Filter For You Bongo 3 air conditioner filter Bullsone Fuel Additive dolby way Number of elements Lux Blade Bulls One Shot Fuel Additive wurth zf mission oil diesel moisture remover Stanada Gasoline 0w16 Veracruz Wiper Hyundai Genuine Engine Oil sm6 wiper fuel additive kickspao1 power drag Seltos air conditioner filter All New Sorento Air Conditioner Filter Zeke mission oil 983511r000 Mobile engine oil Male washer fluid g80 air conditioner filter k5dl3 wiper cvt transmission oil Mega Turbo Scene oil funnel Ziktop0w20 Chevrolet brake oil Daehan Filter Palisade wiper yf sonata wiper Seven Red 5w30 Hyundai Mobis Engine Oil kixxpao10w40 Via Bulls One Shot 70000 Chevrolet dot4 engine cleaner car wiper engine oil funnel kicks g15w20 sportage nq5 wiper Orlando Wiper Palisade air conditioner filter cflow Avante cn7 wiper Hana Filter mini cooper wiper Michelin Wiper Morning air conditioner filter Avante wiper dexos1gen3 Seaflow 20 liters dct mission oil dn8 wiper Castrol Transmax Redex sonata dn8 wiper zicx75w30 Niro hybrid engine oil Valeo Wiper Niro Wiper Staria Wiper Seven Gold 5w306l Nano Rex Chevrolet engine oil car antifreeze Engine oil 10w40 engine oil pump kicks g80 engine oil g15w30 tucson nx4 wiper g80 wiper Liquimoly fuel additive square wiper All new K7 wiper mw wiper Seven Red All New Carnival Fuel Filter Rimura r5 brake fluid dot4 bmw antifreeze Mobis antifreeze car engine oil Genesis bh wiper qm5 wiper Wiper Regenerator Motul 8100 Daehan Air Conditioner Filter Mojave Wiper ZekeZero0w20 Diesel fuel additive cap wiper Seven Gold 9 gasoline can 3m air conditioner filter Bulls One Shot Wiper Genesis Wiper The Next Spark Wiper modern element number kixxpao red line car wiper gv80 air conditioner filter lf sonata wiper s oil engine oil w213 wiper kickspao10w30 All New Malibu Engine Oil Castrol Edge 5w30 sm6 engine oil Zeke x10 10w30 bosch oil filter Arms Signature 5w30 ford explorer wiper Sportage R engine oil Carnival engine oil Kickspao 15w30 Korando Sports Wiper men's backpack National Geographic Backpack Mandarina duck backpack s27b610 backpack Samsonite backpack Jansport Backpack North Face Backpack Discovery bag Discovery Backpack Running backpack Nike bag Nike backpack National Geographic bag New Balance Backpack Descent bag Desant backpack Carhartt Backpack Carhartt Kick Flip Backpack Kangol backpack FILA backpack laptop bag Discovery school bag school bag ck backpack tumi backpack leather backpack high school backpack soldier bag Nike Brasilia Backpack men's bag men's backpack men's bag Men's leather backpack Men's Gucci backpack Men's college student bag Men's travel backpack Men's Coach Backpack Men's Prada Backpack National Geographic bag nakedness laptop backpack New Balance Bag New era backpack New era carrier backpack Daks Backpack Large capacity backpack descent bag Day life backpack Anti-theft backpack Lacoste backpack Lecoq bag Lecoq backpack mandarin duck Montblanc backpack Military backpack Vans backpack Beanpole Backpack Samsonite Red Backpack Xiaomi Backpack Supreme Backpack Samsonite Red Backpack Samsonite Backpack Adidas backpack Adidas school bag American Tourister Backpack Under Armor bag Under Armor Backpack travel backpack travel backpack Incase Backpack Jansport Envoy Jordan backpack John Peter John Peter Backpack middle school student bag Middle school student backpack Carhartt bag gnt01651 kangol Kangol bag Carrier backpack Calvin Klein backpack Calvin Klein backpack Tommy Hilfiger backpack tumi Tumi Backpack Pill bag student bag student backpack Herschel backpack Hazzys backpack Who Are You Backpack wheel bag Ojuco Backpack Naked Nice Backpack Nakedness Absolute Backpack Newbal backpack Eastpack backpack Jill Stuart Backpack Prada backpack National Geographic 17 inch laptop backpack high school bag Roa Roa Backpack Bali backpack Third Weave Backpack Thule backpack Patagonia backpack spider bag Samsonite Red travel backpack military bag Eastpack mlb backpack High school student book bag Nike book bag Dynafit Backpack Beteje backpack Middle school student backpack Carhartt Kickflip Kangol school bag Pillar backpack backpack travel backpack Bilford backpack Oakley backpack Big backpack lmc backpack Middle school boy bag Umbro backpack Covernot Backpack Prospec bag Blanccove college student bag Yoshida Porter Incase Patagonia bag tumi Tumi bag Low low Swiss military backpack Kenzo backpack military backpack Nike Heritage Backpack Men's luxury backpack men's backpack Men's travel backpack Men's Office Worker Backpack New era bag Large backpack rolling backpack Mandarin Duck Men's Backpack MagForce military bag waterproof backpack backpack carrier Briggs Backpack business backpack business backpack Big size backpack Samsonite Backpack Men slim backpack American Tourist Backpack travel backpack ojuko foldable backpack office worker backpack Cabin Klein backpack Kevin Kline backpack big backpack Tumi Alpha Bravo folding backpack Haggis Backpack Nylon backpack luxury backpack New foot bag College student backpack Puma backpack Comme des Garçons backpack Men's leather backpack backpack travel bag backpack oakley bag Paul Smith backpack tactical bag This Is Never That Backpack Bottega Veneta backpack Men's college student backpack Nuldy backpack Dyna fit bag Spider backpack Prospecs backpack cover scythe Loadroa middle school bag Blancove Eiffel Bag Freitag backpack Men's laptop backpack Low Low Backpack middle school student bag Canston lx15stark speaker iRiver Sound Bar xbox headset wired headset uad apollo audience id24 sound blast base oinfe Mudis mu 8h desker desk monitor arm ac100240v Shoe sterilization LG clothes dryer Mini dryer rental lg dryer 17kg estilo dryer Kyunghee Han Oral Cleanser correction water pick Sonic oral irrigator ewdj11 toothbrush sterilizer utorex Razor sterilization 2-person toothbrush sterilizer Toothbrush sterilizer drying Kakao Friends Toothbrush Sterilizer Philips dry iron Benheim Korea Rakujin Steam Iron clothes steamer isteamer Reinforced door number key Number key installation Front door number key Cytron door lock en750w amateur radio Unimo analog radio dwd09rcwbb ww10tp34dbh lg washing machine object wf24t8000kvdv17t8520bv wf24b9600 wf25cb8890 Drum washing machine fixing Washing machine water hose connection washing machine clip industrial washing machine 16kg washing machine Daegu used washing machine Tongdoli 13kg Cozy Light Ramoon Lighting screen bar panasonic reading light Pro Line Women's Iron Flex l Golf Club Samsung Electronics Air Dresser Air dresser mirror df60a8500tg df24cb99001r singaputra Home Doctor Sewing Machine embroidery program Juki 900c avaya sk landline phone Car high pressure car washer Gyeyang washing machine Robot vacuum cleaner suction only Shinil Robot Vacuum Cleaner dreamy d9 Ceragem vacuum cleaner Clean Battery xiaomi mijia b116 Hanil Electric Clean Bag Karcher steam cleaner sc2 car wash cleaner Miele vacuum cleaner Millet Parket Brush Dyson vacuum cleaner wand dyson dc35 Xiaomi vacuum cleaner battery Tefal vacuum cleaner charger a9 dust bag vcasbta95 dog urine cleaner Boral bedding cleaner Bicell Spot Clean Cordless collector wavesplugin Domestic CAD PowerPoint price Hancom Office Home Use